Thursday 7 April 2016

What is Cleat Wiring ?

Material Used in Cleat Wiring

  • VIR or PVC insulated wires
  • Weather proof cables
  • Porcelain cleats or plastic cleats (two or three grooves)
  • Screws
cleat wiring

Procedure of Cleat Wiring

In this wiring VIR or PVC insulated wires are braided and compounded on walls or ceiling with the help of porcelain cleats. The wires can be weather proof. Simple wire laying is done in this scheme of wiring. In present days, this kind of wiring scheme is not recommended for house or building. Only in temporary army campus or festival related pandels this wiring is used. cleat wiring

Advantages of Cleat Wiring

There are some advantages of this type of wiring.
  • Cheap and easy wiring
  • Easy to fault detection
  • Easy to repair
  • Alteration and addition is easy.

Disadvantages of Cleat Wiring

The disadvantages of this wiring are
  • Bad appearance
  • Exposed to weather to be affected by humidity, rain, smoke, sunlight etc
  • Chances for shock or fire
  • Used in only 220V in low ambient temperature.
  • Not long lasting
  • Sag happens

1 comment:

  1. CLEAT WIRING Advantages And Disadvantages visit more information
